Cheerleading Outside of the Gym

Being an exceptional athlete in the world of cheerleading requires dedication, commitment, and hard work. While the gym may be the primary training ground for honing your skills, there are numerous ways to continue your progress right from the comfort of your home. From nutrition to mental fortitude, we'll explore a comprehensive guide to help cheerleaders stay at the top of their game while away from the gym.


Maintaining proper nutrition is essential for any athlete, and cheerleaders are no exception. Without the correct nutrition an athlete will struggle keeping their energy up during practices, struggle to consistently grow their skills and even put themselves in a position to get injured easily. To keep your energy levels high and promote muscle recovery, focus on a balanced diet that includes:

  • Lean Proteins: Incorporate sources like chicken, turkey, fish, tofu, or legumes to support muscle repair and growth.
  • Complex Carbohydrates: Opt for whole grains, fruits, and vegetables to fuel your body with sustained energy throughout the day.
  • Healthy Fats: Avocado, nuts, and seeds can contribute to joint health and overall well-being.
  • Hydration: Stay adequately hydrated with water or sports drinks to ensure optimal performance and prevent fatigue.
  • Conditioning - Home Workout Regimen


If you are doing one tumbling private a week, you have to understand that the conditioning and strength training you do during that hour isn't enough to grow your muscles. If you truly want to become stronger you are going to need to start doing these exercises 3-4 times a week. You don't need a bunch of equipment and a fancy gym, you just need yourself. Below is a list of ways you could condition and push yourself while in the comfort of your home.

  • Bodyweight Exercises: Perform push-ups, squats, lunges, and planks to work on your core, upper body, and lower body strength.
  • Resistance Bands: Utilize resistance bands to simulate gym exercises and target specific muscle groups.
  • Plyometrics: Incorporate jumping exercises to enhance explosiveness and improve jumping skills.
  • Flexibility Training: Implement regular stretching routines to increase flexibility and reduce the risk of injuries.


Staying optimally hydrated is not just important but absolutely crucial for any dedicated athlete striving to achieve peak performance. Hydration forms the bedrock of athletic success, as the absence of sufficient fluids can lead to a cascade of undesirable consequences that hinder overall athletic prowess. One of the most immediate and noticeable effects of dehydration is a noticeable decrease in focus, concentration, and mental acuity. Imagine being on the field, court, or track, and feeling your mind struggle to stay sharp, your decision-making compromised, and your reaction times sluggish—all due to insufficient hydration. Such a scenario could be the difference between victory and defeat in a closely contested competition.

Beyond cognitive effects, dehydration significantly impacts an athlete's physical performance as well. The body's ability to function at its best during rigorous training sessions or intense matches is contingent on adequate fluid levels. When dehydrated, athletes might experience a decline in endurance, strength, and power output, diminishing their overall potential. Fatigue may set in earlier than expected, and muscles might cramp up more easily, leading to suboptimal performance and an increased risk of injuries. As a result, an athlete's ability to push their limits and excel in their sport could be severely compromised.

In order to maintain a well-hydrated state, athletes are advised to adopt a proactive approach to water intake. It's not merely a matter of gulping down water when feeling thirsty; rather, athletes should strive to drink water consistently throughout the day. A useful strategy is to carry a water bottle at all times, making it convenient to hydrate regardless of location or circumstance. 

Mental Work 

Mental training is an indispensable aspect of a cheerleader's preparation that can significantly enhance their performance in tumbling, stunting, and executing routines in front of a live audience. While physical strength and technique are vital in cheerleading, honing one's mental game can make the crucial difference between a good performance and an outstanding one. Mental training equips cheerleaders with the tools to manage nerves, maintain focus, build confidence, and overcome obstacles, ultimately elevating their overall athletic capabilities.

In tumbling, mental training can aid cheerleaders in conquering fears and improving their technique. Many complex tumbling skills require a high level of precision and a strong mental resolve to execute correctly. Visualization techniques can be employed during mental training sessions, where the athlete imagines themselves performing the tumbling pass flawlessly. By repeatedly visualizing success, the brain becomes more familiar with the movements, increasing the chances of successful execution during actual practice or competition. Moreover, mental training can help cheerleaders develop a positive attitude towards challenges and failures, fostering resilience and the determination to persevere and master difficult tumbling skills.

When it comes to stunting, mental training plays a crucial role in building trust and communication between cheerleaders on a team. Stunts often involve teamwork and synchronization, and maintaining a clear and focused mind is essential for ensuring everyone's safety and success. Mental training exercises can include relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety and stress, as well as activities that foster trust and cooperation among teammates. Developing mental toughness helps cheerleaders stay composed under pressure, making them more reliable and supportive teammates during high-stress situations.

Performing in front of people can be nerve-wracking for cheerleaders, and mental training can help them manage stage fright and perform with confidence and charisma. Visualization is again a powerful tool that can be used to mentally rehearse the routine, including facial expressions and showmanship, while also envisioning the audience reacting positively to the performance. Additionally, controlled breathing techniques can help calm nerves before stepping onto the stage, allowing cheerleaders to present their routines with poise and grace.

Practicing mental training at home is just as important as physical practice on the field. Athletes can set aside specific times each day for mental exercises, creating a quiet and distraction-free environment. Engaging in mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercises, and positive affirmations can help athletes cultivate a strong and resilient mindset. Journaling can also be beneficial, allowing cheerleaders to reflect on their progress, set goals, and identify areas that require more mental focus and improvement. Furthermore, seeking guidance from sports psychologists or mental training coaches can provide athletes with tailored techniques and strategies to strengthen their mental game.



Flexibility is a fundamental aspect of cheerleading that plays a pivotal role in enhancing a cheerleader's performance and overall athleticism. It refers to the range of motion in a cheerleader's joints and muscles, allowing them to achieve and maintain positions with ease and grace. In cheerleading, flexibility is crucial for executing various skills such as jumps, splits, high kicks, and intricate stunts. A flexible cheerleader can move fluidly through routines, achieving higher jumps, more extended body lines, and impressive stunts, thereby elevating the visual appeal of their performances.

The benefits of flexibility in cheerleading are numerous and far-reaching. Improved flexibility allows cheerleaders to increase their range of motion, which not only enhances the aesthetics of their movements but also reduces the risk of injuries. A more flexible body can absorb impact better, reducing strain on joints and muscles during dynamic routines. Furthermore, flexibility enables cheerleaders to achieve higher jumps and kicks, increasing the height and precision of their movements. For flyers in stunting, flexibility is essential for maintaining extended positions and achieving impressive body shapes, which contributes to the overall strength and stability of the stunt.

Becoming flexible in cheerleading requires consistent and dedicated training. A combination of dynamic and static stretching is essential to improve flexibility effectively. Dynamic stretching involves moving parts of the body through controlled, gradual movements, warming up the muscles and increasing blood flow before more intense activities. Leg swings, arm circles, and walking lunges are examples of dynamic stretches that can be incorporated into a warm-up routine. Static stretching, on the other hand, involves holding stretches for a prolonged period to elongate muscles and improve flexibility over time. Cheerleaders can work on splits, hamstring stretches, and shoulder stretches during their cool-down sessions to enhance flexibility.

Regular practice is crucial to see improvements in flexibility. Cheerleaders should engage in stretching exercises at least three to four times a week, dedicating specific time to target different muscle groups. It's essential to focus on both upper and lower body flexibility, as cheerleading involves a diverse range of movements. Additionally, cheerleaders should be patient with their progress, as flexibility gains take time. Consistency and proper form during stretching are key to avoiding injuries and achieving the desired results.

Moreover, incorporating activities like yoga and Pilates into a cheerleader's training regimen can further enhance flexibility. These practices not only target flexibility but also promote balance, core strength, and body awareness, all of which are essential for a well-rounded cheerleader.

Tip: 1 minute is the absolute minimum time you should stretch, if you don't hold it at least a minute then you won't see any results. The sweet spot is 1 minute to 2 minutes. 


Dance and Choreography

Apart from cheerleading skills, dancing is an integral part of many routines. Utilize your time at home to improve dance techniques and learn new choreography:

  • Online Classes: Explore dance tutorials and workshops available on platforms like YouTube or specialized dance websites.
  • Choreography Practice: Rehearse routines and work on your timing, precision, and rhythm.
  • Yoga - Enhancing Balance and Grace

Yoga is an excellent addition to any cheerleader's routine, as it helps improve balance, posture, and core strength:

  • Balance Poses: Work on one-legged balances to enhance stability and focus.
  • Breathing Techniques: Practice deep breathing exercises to manage stress and promote relaxation.
  • Cheer Jumps and Tumbling - Safety First

Tumbling and jumps are fundamental to cheerleading. While some advanced tumbling skills may not be possible at home, you can still work on the basics:


Tumbling is an aspect to cheerleading that can be dangerous to do on your own. If you aren't comfortable with skills and your technique then it's probably best to save that type of training for the gym where professionals can help you. However there is stuff you can do at home to keep up your skills in the gym such as conditioning that's specific for the type of tumbling you want and need. Visualization helps out a lot with tumbling so this is also something you could do in your home.


There are always options for stunting outside of the gym whether that's on the grass or on some mats you have at your house. Regardless of where you are practicing, you need to make sure you are being safe. Especially since there isn't training professionals around to help, you are going to need to progress through skills correctly. These moments should only be used to perfect skills that you are already comfortable with. 


Overworking in cheerleading can have detrimental effects on athletes, both physically and mentally. While the sport demands rigorous training and exceptional performance, pushing athletes beyond their limits can lead to serious consequences. Physically, excessive training can result in overuse injuries, such as stress fractures, tendonitis, and muscle strains, which may not only sideline the athlete but also have long-term effects on their overall health. Additionally, mental exhaustion can set in, causing burnout, decreased motivation, and heightened stress levels. Overworked cheerleaders may also face difficulty in balancing their academic and personal lives, leading to a negative impact on their overall well-being. It is essential for coaches and cheerleading organizations to prioritize the well-being of their athletes, implementing proper training schedules and rest periods to avoid the pitfalls of overwork and ensure the longevity and success of these dedicated athletes.


Being a cheerleader extends beyond the gym, and with the right approach, you can continue to enhance your skills and maintain peak performance from the comfort of your home. By focusing on nutrition, conditioning, hydration, mental work, stretching, and engaging in dance and choreography practice, cheerleaders can ensure they remain at the top of their game. So, embrace this time to grow, learn, and build resilience, as your unwavering dedication will undoubtedly shine through when you step back into the gym. Stay motivated, stay committed, and keep cheering your way to greatness!

in News
A Winning Routine Starts in the Kitchen: The Importance of Nutrition for Cheerleaders